ProductLazyArray {#528
  -imageRetriever: ImageRetriever {#531
    -link: Link {#599
      #allow: 1
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  -link: Link {#599}
  -priceFormatter: PriceFormatter {#533}
  -productColorsRetriever: ProductColorsRetriever {#534}
  -translator: TranslatorComponent {#47
    #catalogues: array:1 [
      "ro-RO" => MessageCatalogue {#51
        -messages: array:215 [
          "ModulesStatsbestcustomersAdmin" => array:12 [
            "Empty recordset returned" => "Niciun rezultat"
            "Valid orders" => "Comenzi validate"
            "Money spent" => "Suma cheltuita"
            "Best customers" => "Cei mai buni clienti"
            "Adds a list of the best customers to the Stats dashboard." => "Adauga o lista cu cei mai buni clienti la tabloul de bord Statistici."
            "Develop clients' loyalty" => "Dezvolta loialitatea clientilor"
            "Keeping a client can be more profitable than gaining a new one. That is one of the many reasons it is necessary to cultivate customer loyalty." => "Pastrarea unui client poate fi mai profitabila decat castigarea altuia nou. Acesta este unul din multele motive pentru care este necesara cultivarea loialitatii clientilor."
            "Word of mouth is also a means for getting new, satisfied clients. A dissatisfied customer can hurt your e-reputation and obstruct future sales goals." => "Zvonul este un alt mod de a obtine clienti noi, multumiti. Un client nemultumit poate dauna e-reputatiei tale si sa dauneze viitoarelor tinte de vanzari."
            "In order to achieve this goal, you can organize:" => "Pentru a atinge acest tel poti organiza: "
            "Punctual operations: commercial rewards (personalized special offers, product or service offered), non commercial rewards (priority handling of an order or a product), pecuniary rewards (bonds, discount coupons, payback)." => "Operatiuni punctuale: recompense comerciale (oferte speciale personalizate, produse sau servicii oferite), recompense necomerciale (prelucrare comenzi cu prioritate), recompense pecuniare (obligatiuni, cupoane de reducere, restituiri de bani)."
            "Sustainable operations: loyalty points or cards, which not only justify communication between merchant and client, but also offer advantages to clients (private offers, discounts)." => "Operatiuni sustenabile, puncte de loialitate sau carduri, care nu numai ca justifica comunicarea dintre comerciant si client, dar ofera si avantaje clientilor (oferte private, reduceri)."
            "These operations encourage clients to buy products and visit your online store more regularly." => "Aceste actiuni incurajeaza clientii sa cumpere produse si sa viziteze mai des magazinul tau."
          "ShopThemeGlobal" => array:76 [
            "Subscribe To Newsletter" => "Abonare la Newsletter"
            "All Categories" => "Toate categoriile"
            "Call:" => "Suna:"
            "Contact Us For Any Questions" => "Trimite-ne un mesaj"
            "Headquarters" => "Sediu"
            "Contact Directly" => "Telefon"
            "Call us: [1]%phone%[/1]" => "Suna:"
            "Work With Us" => "Email"
            "Send your CV to our email:" => "Contacteaza-ne"
            "Get In Touch" => "Trimite-Ne Un Mesaj"
            "Quick view" => "Vizualizare rapida"
            "Compare" => "Compara"
            "Features" => "Caracteristici"
            "Undefined" => "Nedefinit(a)"
            "Addresses" => "Adrese"
            "None" => "Niciuna"
            "No" => "Nu"
            "Yes" => "Da"
            "Merchandise returns" => "Retur de marfa"
            "The page you are looking for was not found." => "Pagina pe care o cauti nu a fost gasita."
            "Our Offers" => "Ofertele noastre"
            "Log in" => "Autentificare"
            "Create new account" => "Creare cont"
            "Monday" => "Luni"
            "Tuesday" => "Marti"
            "Wednesday" => "Miercuri"
            "Thursday" => "Joi"
            "Friday" => "Vineri"
            "Saturday" => "Sambata"
            "Sunday" => "Duminica"
            "Brands" => "Marci"
            "(tax incl.)" => "(inclusiv TVA)"
            "(tax excl.)" => "(fara TVA)"
            "(tax included)" => "(TVA inclus)"
            "(tax excluded)" => "(fara TVA)"
            "Tax included" => "cu TVA"
            "Tax excluded" => "Fara TVA"
            "List of subcategories in %category_name%:" => "Lista de subcategorii in %category_name%:"
            "Phone:" => "Telefon:"
            "Email:" => "E-mail:"
            "Opening hours" => "Program de lucru"
            "Contact us" => "Contacteaza-ne"
            "Fax:" => "Fax:"
            "Call us:" => "Suna-ne:"
            "Email us:" => "Trimite-ne un e-mail:"
            "Store information" => "Informatiile magazinului"
            "Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]" => "Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]"
            "Email us: [1]%email%[/1]" => "Trimite-ne un mesaj la: [1]%email%[/1]"
            "Currency:" => "Moneda:"
            "Currency dropdown" => "Meniu derulant pentru monede"
            "Get our latest news and special sales" => "Ultimele noutati si promotii speciale"
            "Carousel buttons" => "Butoanele caruselului"
            "Previous" => "Inapoi"
            "Next" => "Urmatorul"
            "Language:" => "Limba:"
            "Language dropdown" => "Meniu derulant pentru limbi"
            "%label%:" => "%label%:"
            "%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%" => "%copyright% %year% - Software pentru comert electronic de %prestashop%"
            "Active filters" => "Filtre active"
            "(no filter)" => "(niciun filtru)"
            "Sort by:" => "Sorteaza dupa:"
            "logo" => "logo"
            "Close" => "Inchide"
            "List of pages in %category_name%:" => "Lista paginilor din %category_name%:"
            "List of sub categories in %name%:" => "Lista de subcategorii in %name%:"
            "Sitemap" => "Harta site-ului"
            "Our stores" => "Magazinele noastre"
            "About and Contact" => "Despre noi si Contact"
            "Home" => "Acasa"
            "Date" => "Data"
            "Status" => "Stare"
            "We'll be back soon." => "Revenim curand."
            "Sorry for the inconvenience." => "Ne cerem scuze pentru neplaceri."
            "Search again what you are looking for" => "Cauta din nou ce te intereseaza"
            "403 Forbidden" => "403 interzis"
            "You cannot access this store from your country. We apologize for the inconvenience." => "Magazinul nu poate fi accesat din tara ta. Ne cerem scuze pentru neplacerile create."
          "ShopThemeActions" => array:57 [
            "SUBSCRIBE" => "Abonare"
            "POST COMMENT" => "Trimite"
            "Quick view" => "Vizualizare rapida"
            "View products" => "Vizualizeaza produsele"
            "Shipping is calculated based on the address" => "Livrarea se calculeaza in functie de adresa"
            "Add to cart" => "Adauga in cos"
            "Add a new address" => "Adauga o adresa noua"
            "Cart" => "Cos"
            "Reset all filter" => "Reseteaza toate filtrele"
            "Refresh" => "Improspateaza"
            "Save Address" => "Salveaza adresa"
            "ok" => "ok"
            "Order with an obligation to pay" => "Comanda cu obligatia de a plati"
            "Send" => "Trimite"
            "Choose file" => "Alege un fisier"
            "Sign out" => "Deconectare"
            "Sign in" => "Autentificare"
            "Subscribe" => "Aboneaza-te"
            "OK" => "Da"
            "Share" => "Distribuiti"
            "Continue shopping" => "Continua cumparaturile"
            "Proceed to checkout" => "Finalizeaza comanda"
            "Remove" => "Elimina"
            "remove from cart" => "sterge din cos"
            "Show" => "Afiseaza"
            "Hide" => "Ascunde"
            "Previous" => "Inapoi"
            "Next" => "Urmatorul"
            "Filter By" => "Filtrare dupa"
            "Clear all" => "Sterge tot"
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
            "Remove Image" => "Stergere imagine"
            "Save Customization" => "Salveaza personalizarea"
            "Filter" => "Filtrare"
            "Back to top" => "Inapoi la inceput"
            "Select" => "Selecteaza"
            "Download" => "Descarcari"
            "Cancel" => "Anuleaza"
            "show details" => "arata detalii"
            "Take advantage of our exclusive offers:" => "Profita de ofertele noastre:"
            "Add" => "Adauga"
            "Continue" => "Continua"
            "edit" => "editeaza"
            "add new address" => "adauga adresa noua"
            "Edit" => "Modifica"
            "Choose" => "Alege"
            "Checkout" => "Finalizare comanda"
            "Delete" => "Sterge"
            "Update" => "Actualizeaza"
            "Save" => "Salveaza"
            "Create new address" => "Creeaza o adresa noua"
            "Reorder" => "Repeta comanda"
            "Print out" => "Tiparire"
            "Send reset link" => "Trimite linkul de resetare"
            "Back to login" => "Inapoi la autentificare"
            "Back to Login" => "Inapoi la Autentificare"
            "Change Password" => "Schimba parola"
          "ShopThemeCatalog" => array:110 [
            "Showing %from%-%to% of %total% results" => "Se afiseaza %from%-%to% din %total% rezultate"
            "All new products" => "Toate produsele noi"
            "All products" => "Toate produsele"
            "All brands" => "Toate marcile"
            "All best sellers" => "Toate cele mai bine vandute"
            "Best Sellers" => "Cele mai bine vandute"
            "Reviews" => "Recenzii"
            "Viewed products" => "Produse vizualizate"
            "Add to cart" => "Adauga in cos"
            "Reference" => "Referinta:"
            "Specific References" => "Referinta specifca:"
            "Reference:" => "Referinta:"
            "In stock" => "In stoc"
            "In stock:" => "In stoc:"
            "Out of stock" => "Stoc epuizat"
            "Last [qtty_available] [qtty_available_label] in stock" => " [qtty_available] produs(e) in stoc"
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            "Category: %category_name%" => "Categorie: %category_name%"
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            "Search results" => "Rezultatele cautarii"
            "%number% products" => "%number% produse"
            "%number% product" => "%number% produs"
            "List of all suppliers" => "Lista furnizorilor"
            "List of products by supplier %supplier_name%" => "Lista de produse dupa furnizorul %supplier_name%"
            "Name, A to Z" => "Nume - crescator"
            "Name, Z to A" => "Nume - descrescator"
            "Price, low to high" => "Pret - crescator"
            "Price, high to low" => "Pret - descrescator"
            "Sales, highest to lowest" => "Vanzari, descrescator"
            "Date added, newest to oldest" => "Data adaugarii, de la noi la vechi"
            "Date added, oldest to newest" => "Data adaugarii, de la vechi la noi"
            "New product" => "Produs nou"
            "Online only" => "Numai online"
            "On sale!" => "La reducere!"
            "Reduced price" => "Pret redus"
            "Pack" => "Pachet"
            "Product available with different options" => "Produs disponibil cu alte optiuni"
            "Last items in stock" => "Ultimele produse in stoc"
            "ean13" => "cod EAN13"
            "isbn" => "cod ISBN"
            "upc" => "cod UPC"
            "Used" => "Folosit"
            "Refurbished" => "Reconditionat"
            "New" => "Nou"
            "Relevance" => "Relevanta"
            "%facet_label%: %facet_value%" => "%facet_label%: %facet_value%"
            "Pack content" => "Continutul pachetului"
            "Accessories" => "Accesorii"
            "Returned" => "Inapoiat"
            "Brands" => "Marci"
            "No brand" => "Nicio marca"
            "%s other product in the same category:" => "%s alt produs in aceeasi categorie:"
            "%s other products in the same category:" => "%s alte produse in aceeasi categorie:"
            "Customers who bought this product also bought:" => "Clientii care au cumparat acest produs au mai cumparat si:"
            "My alerts" => "Alertele mele"
            "Popular Products" => "Produse populare"
            "New products" => "Produse noi"
            "1 person is currently watching this product." => "In acest moment, 1 persoana vizualizeaza acest produs."
            "%nb_people% people are currently watching this product." => "%nb_people% persoane vizualizeaza acest produs in acest moment."
            "Last time this product was bought: %date_last_order%" => "Ultima data acest produs a fost cumparat in data de: %date_last_order%"
            "Last time this product was added to a cart: %date_last_cart%" => "Ultima oara acest produs a fost adaugat in cos in data de: %date_last_cart%"
            "No RSS feed added" => "Nu sunt adaugate fluxuri RSS"
            "Search our catalog" => "Cauta in catalogul nostru"
            "Search" => "Cauta"
            "On sale" => "La reducere"
            "All sale products" => "Toate produsele la oferta"
            "All suppliers" => "Toti furnizorii"
            "Suppliers" => "Furnizori"
            "No supplier" => "Niciun furnizor"
            "Showing %from%-%to% of %total% item(s)" => "Se afiseaza %from%-%to% din %total% produs(e)"
            "%1$s: " => "%1$s: "
            "Price" => "Pret"
            "Regular price" => "Pret de baza"
            "Your customization:" => "Personalizarea ta:"
            "Brand" => "Marca"
            "Availability date:" => "Data disponibilitatii:"
            "Data sheet" => "Fisa tehnica"
            "Condition" => "Conditie"
            "Volume discounts" => "Reduceri la volum"
            "You Save" => "Ai economisit"
            "Up to %discount%" => "Pana la %discount%"
            "Save %percentage%" => "Salveaza %percentage%"
            "Save %amount%" => "Economiseste %amount%"
            "%price% tax excl." => "%price% fara TVA."
            "Instead of %price%" => "In loc de %price%"
            "Including %amount% for ecotax" => "Inclusiv %amount% pentru ecotaxa"
            "(not impacted by the discount)" => "(neafectat de reducere)"
            "(%unit_price%)" => "(%unit_price%)"
            "No tax" => "Nicio taxa"
            "There are %product_count% products." => "Sunt %product_count% produse."
            "There is 1 product." => "Contine 1 produs."
            "List of products by brand %brand_name%" => "Lista de produse dupa marca %brand_name%"
            "List of products by supplier %s" => "Lista produselor dupa furnizor %s"
            "This pack contains" => "Acest pachet contine"
            "Description" => "Descriere"
            "Product Details" => "Detalii ale produsului"
            "Attachments" => "Fisiere asociate"
            "You might also like" => "S-ar putea sa-ti placa"
            "Product" => "Produs"
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
            "Unit price" => "Pret unitar"
            "Total price" => "Pret total"
            "Product customization" => "Personalizare"
          "ModulesLeoproductsearchLeosearch" => array:1 [
            "All Categories" => "Toate categoriile"
          "ShopThemeGolbal" => array:1 [
            "All Categories" => "Toate categoriile"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_wishlist_button" => array:2 [
            "Add to Wishlist" => "Adauga la wishlist"
            "Remove from Wishlist" => "Sterge din wishlist"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_compare_button" => array:2 [
            "Remove from Compare" => "Sterge din comparatie"
            "Add to Compare" => "Adauga la comparatie"
          "ModulesAppagebuilderApcategoryimage" => array:1 [
            "View all" => "Vezi toate"
          "ModulesLeofeatureDrop_down" => array:5 [
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
            "Remove from cart" => "Sterge din cos"
            "To get free ship!" => "Pentru transport gratuit"
            "View Cart" => "Vezi cosul"
            "Check Out" => "Verifica"
          "ModulesLeofeatureForm" => array:1 [
            "Product Name" => "Numele produsului"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_cart_button" => array:1 [
            "Add to cart" => "Adauga in cos "
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_list_product_review" => array:2 [
            "Review(s)" => "Recenzii"
            "reviews)" => "recenzii)"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_my_wishlist" => array:14 [
            "New wishlist" => "Wishlist nou"
            "Name" => "Nume"
            "Enter name of new wishlist" => "Adauga un nume pentru noul wishlist"
            "Save" => "Salveaza"
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
            "Viewed" => "Vizualizat"
            "Created" => "Creat"
            "Direct Link" => "Link direct"
            "Default" => "Implicit"
            "Delete" => "Sterge"
            "View" => "Vizualizeaza"
            "Send this wishlist" => "Trimite lista de dorinte"
            "Back to Your Account" => "Inapoi la contul tau"
            "Home" => "Acasa"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_my_wishlist_product" => array:9 [
            "Remove from this wishlist" => "Sterge din wishlist"
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
            "Priority" => "Prioritate"
            "High" => "Ridicat"
            "Medium" => "Mediu"
            "Low" => "Scazut"
            "Save" => "Salveaza"
            "Move" => "Muta"
            "No products" => "Niciun produs"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_product_review_compare" => array:3 [
            "Reviews" => "Recenzii"
            "Average" => "In medie"
            "View reviews" => "Vezi recenziile"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_product_review_extra" => array:3 [
            "Rating" => "Evaluare"
            "Read reviews" => "Citeste recenzii"
            "Write a review" => "Scrie o recenzie"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_product_tab" => array:1 [
            "Reviews" => "Recenzii"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_product_tab_content" => array:9 [
            "Grade" => "Grad"
            "%1$d out of %2$d people found this review useful." => "%1$d din %2$d oameni au gasit utila aceasta recenzie."
            "Was this review useful to you?" => "Aceasta recenzie ti-a fost utila?"
            "Yes" => "Da"
            "No" => "Nu"
            "Report abuse" => "Raporteaza abuz"
            "Write a review" => "Scrie o recenzie"
            "Be the first to write your review!" => "Fii primul care scrie o recenzie"
            "No customer reviews for the moment." => "Nu exista recenzii ale clientilor pentru moment."
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_products_compare" => array:6 [
            "Products Comparison" => "Comparatie produse"
            "Features:" => "Caracteristici:"
            "Remove from Compare" => "Eliminati din comparatie"
            "No features to compare" => "Nu exista caracteristici de comparat"
            "There are no products selected for comparison." => "Nu exista produse selectate pentru comparatie."
            "Continue Shopping" => "Continua cumparaturile"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_wishlist_link" => array:1 [
            "My Wishlist" => "Wishlist-ul meu"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_wishlist_new" => array:2 [
            "View" => "Vizualizeaza"
            "Delete" => "Sterge"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeo_wishlist_view" => array:7 [
            "Other wishlists of " => "Alte wishlist-uri"
            "Priority" => "Prioritate"
            "High" => "Ridicat"
            "Medium" => "Mediu"
            "Low" => "Scazut"
            "No products" => "Niciun produs"
            "Wishlist does not exist" => "Wishlist-ul nu exista"
          "ModulesLeofeatureModal" => array:2 [
            "The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is " => "Cantitatea minima de comanda pentru produs este de"
            "There are not enough products in stock" => "Nu sunt suficiente produse pe stok"
          "ModulesLeofeatureModal_review" => array:7 [
            "Write a review" => "Scrie o recenzie"
            "Title" => "Titlu"
            "Comment" => "Commentariu"
            "Your name" => "Numele tau"
            "Required fields" => "Campuri obligatorii"
            "Close" => "Inchide"
            "Submit" => "Trimite"
          "ModulesLeofeatureNotification" => array:9 [
            "The product has been updated in your shopping cart" => "Produsul a fost actualizat in cosul de cumparaturi"
            "The product has been removed from your shopping cart" => "Produsul a fost eliminat din cosul de cumparaturi"
            "Product successfully added to your shopping cart" => "Produs adaugat cu succes in cosul de cumparaturi"
            "Error updating" => "Eroare la actualizare"
            "Error deleting" => "Eroare la stergere"
            "Error adding. Please go to product detail page and try again" => "Eroare la adaugare. Accesati pagina cu detalii despre produs si incercati din nou"
            "The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is" => "Cantitatea minima de comanda pentru produs este de"
            "There are not enough products in stock" => "Nu exista suficiente produse in stoc"
            "You must enter a quantity" => "Trebuie sa introduceti o cantitate"
          "ModulesLeofeaturePrice_attribute" => array:1 [
            "Price" => "Pret"
          "ModulesLeofeatureLeofeature" => array:7 [
            "Add to Wishlist" => "Adauga la Wishlist"
            "view Wishlist" => "Vezi wishlist"
            "view-wishlist" => "vezi-wishlist"
            "Review" => "Recenzie"
            "Review title" => "Titlu Recenzie"
            "Approved Reviews" => "Recenzii permise"
            "Your comment has been added. Thank you!" => "Recenzia dvs. a fost adaugata cu succes, va multumim!"
          "ShopThemeCheckout" => array:120 [
            "Order with an obligation to pay" => "Confirma Comanda"
            "Use this address for invoice too" => "Utilizeaza aceste date si pentru facturare"
            "Gift wrapping" => "Smart Delivery"
            "If you'd like, you can add a note to the gift:" => "Iti vom impacheta suplimentar coletul, il vom asigura si iti garantam solutionarea pozitiva a oricarei daune cauzate in timpul transportului."
            "I would like my order to be gift wrapped %cost%" => "Smart Delivery, un serviciu de 10 %cost%"
            "Product successfully added to your shopping cart" => "Produs adaugat in cos"
            "Process payment" => "Trimite comanda"
            "product(s)" => "produs(e)"
            "Product" => "Produs"
            "Qty" => "Cant."
            "Order reference" => "Referința comenzii"
            "Order reference: %reference%" => "Referința comenzii: %reference%"
            "Order reference:" => "Referința comenzii:"
            "Payment method: %method%" => "Metoda de plată: %method%"
            "Payment method:" => "Metoda de plată:"
            "Shipping method: %method%" => "Metoda de transport: %method%"
            "Shipping method:" => "Metoda de transport:"
            " (additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)" => " (costuri aditionale de %giftcost% %taxlabel%)"
            "Personal Information" => "Informatii personale"
            "I agree to the [terms of service] and will adhere to them unconditionally." => "Sunt de acord cu [Termenii Serviciului] si ii accept neconditionat."
            "%price% tax incl." => "%price% TVA incl."
            "%price% tax excl." => "%price% fara TVA."
            "My Address" => "Adresa mea"
            "Tax included" => "cu TVA"
            "Tax excluded" => "Fara TVA"
            "Free shipping" => "Livrare gratuita"
            "Guest order tracking" => "Urmarirea comenzii pentru oaspeti"
            "Product Successfully Added to Your Shopping Cart" => "Produs adaugat cu succes la cosul tau"
            "Free" => "Gratuit"
            "Total" => "Total"
            "Subtotal" => "Subtotal"
            "Shipping" => "Livrare"
            "Included taxes" => "Taxele incluse"
            "Taxes" => "Taxe"
            "Total (tax incl.)" => "Total (cu taxe)"
            "Total (tax excl.)" => "Total (fara TVA)"
            "1 item" => "1 produs"
            "%count% items" => "%count% articole"
            "A minimum shopping cart total of %amount% (tax excl.) is required to validate your order. Current cart total is %total% (tax excl.)." => "Este necesar un cos de cumparaturi de minim %amount% (fara TVA) pentru a valida comanda. Totalul cosului actual este %total% (fara TVA)."
            "Discount(s)" => "Reduceri"
            "Total paid" => "Total platit"
            "Discount" => "Reducere"
            "Shipping and handling" => "Livrare si manipulare"
            "Tax" => "Taxe"
            "You Save" => "Ai economisit"
            "Up to %amount_saved%" => "Pana la %amount_saved%"
            "Choose a password to create an account and save time on your next order (optional)" => "Alege o parola pentru a crea un cont si de a economisi timp la urmatoarea comanda (optional)"
            "The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your shipping address." => "Adresa selectata va fi utilizata atat ca adresa personala (pentru facturare), cat si ca adresa de livrare."
            "Order confirmation" => "Confirmare comanda"
            "Order reference %reference%" => "Referinta comanda: %reference%"
            "Payment method %method_name%" => "Metoda de plata: %method_name%"
            "Shipping method %method_name%" => "Metoda de livrare: %method_name%"
            "Quantity:" => "Cantitate:"
            "There are %products_count% items in your cart." => "Sunt %products_count% produse in cosul tau."
            "There is %product_count% item in your cart." => "Este %product_count% produs in cosul tau."
            "Total products:" => "Total produse:"
            "Total shipping:" => "Total livrare:"
            "Total:" => "Total:"
            "Subtotal:" => "Subtotal:"
            "Shipping:" => "Livrare:"
            "Cart" => "Cos"
            "The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is %quantity%." => "Cantitatea minima de cumparat pentru acest produs este %quantity%."
            "Gift" => "Cadou"
            "There are no more items in your cart" => "Nu mai sunt produse in cosul tau"
            "Promo code" => "Codul promotional"
            "Have a promo code?" => "Ai un cod promotional?"
            "Close" => "Inchide"
            "Create an account" => "Creeaza un cont"
            "(optional)" => "(optional)"
            "And save time on your next order!" => "Si economiseste timp la urmatoarea comanda!"
            "Order items" => "Produsele comenzii"
            "Unit price" => "Pret unitar"
            "Total products" => "Total produse"
            "%product_count% item in your cart" => "%product_count% produs in cosul tau"
            "%products_count% items in your cart" => "%products_count% produse in cosul tau"
            "Shipping Method" => "Metoda de livrare"
            "Addresses" => "Adrese"
            "Please check your order before payment" => "Te rugam sa verifici comanda inainte de a plati"
            "Your Delivery Address" => "Adresa ta de livrare"
            "Shipping Address" => "Adresa de livrare"
            "The selected address will be used as your personal address (for invoice)." => "Adresa selectata va fi folosita ca adresa personala (pentru factura)."
            "Billing address differs from shipping address" => "Adresa de facturare difera de adresa de expediere"
            "Your Invoice Address" => "Adresa ta de facturare"
            "The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your delivery address." => "Adresa selectata va fi utilizata atat ca adresa personala (pentru facturare), cat si ca adresa de livrare."
            "Transaction amount has been correctly updated" => "Valoarea tranzactiei a fost corect actualizata"
            "By confirming the order, you certify that you have read and agree with all of the conditions below:" => "Prin confirmarea comenzii, confirmi ca ai citit si esti de acord cu toate conditiile de mai jos:"
            "Selected" => "Selectate"
            "Unfortunately, there are no payment method available." => "Din pacate, nu exista nici o metoda de plata disponibila."
            "Please make sure you've chosen a [1]payment method[/1] and accepted the [2]terms and conditions[/2]." => "Te rugam sa te asiguri ca ai selectat [1]metoda de plata[/1] si ai acceptat [2]termenii si conditiile[/2]."
            "No payment needed for this order" => "Plata nu este necesara la aceasta comanda"
            "If you sign out now, your cart will be emptied." => "Daca te deconectezi acum, cosul tau va fi golit."
            "Order as a guest" => "Comanda ca oaspete"
            "I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging." => "Sunt de acord sa imi primesc comanda in ambalaj reciclat."
            "Unfortunately, there are no carriers available for your delivery address." => "Din pacate, nu exista nici un curier disponibil pentru adresa ta de livrare."
            "If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below." => "Daca doresti sa adaugi si alte informatii referitoare la comanda, te rugam sa le scrii mai jos."
            "Shopping Cart" => "Cosul de cumparaturi"
            "Your order is confirmed" => "Comanda ta este confirmata"
            "An email has been sent to your mail address %email%." => "A fost trimis un mesaj la adresa %email%."
            "You can also [1]download your invoice[/1]" => "Poti de asemenea [1]descarca factura[/1]"
            "Order details" => "Detalii comanda"
            "Save time on your next order, sign up now" => "Economisesti timp la urmatoarea comanda, inscrie-te acum"
            "Code" => "Cod"
            "Description" => "Descriere"
            "Value" => "Valoare"
            "Minimum" => "Minimum"
            "Cumulative" => "Cumulat"
            "Expiration date" => "Data expirarii"
            "Payment" => "Plata"
            "Date" => "Data"
            "Total price" => "Pret total"
            "Status" => "Stare"
            "Invoice" => "Factura"
            "Carrier" => "Curier"
            "Payment method" => "Metoda de plata"
            "Delivery address %alias%" => "Adresa de livrare %alias%"
            "Invoice address %alias%" => "Adresa de facturare %alias%"
            "Weight" => "Greutate"
            "Shipping cost" => "Costuri de livrare"
            "Tracking number" => "Numar de urmarire"
            "Quantity" => "Cantitate"
          "messages" => array:523 [
            "Quick view" => "Vizualizare rapida"
            "Tax Excluded" => "Fara TVA"
            "Tax Included" => "Cu TVA"
            "%d product(s) successfully created." => "Au fost create %d produse."
            "Attributes generator" => "Generator de atribute"
            "The Combinations Generator is a tool that allows you to easily create a series of combinations by selecting the related attributes. For example, if you're selling t-shirts in three different sizes and two different colors, the generator will create six combinations for you." => "Generatorul de combinatii este o unealta care permite crearea facila de combinatii prin selectarea atributelor specifice. De exemplu, daca vinzi tricouri de 3 marimi si 2 culori diferite, generatorul va crea 6 combinatii."
            "You're currently generating combinations for the following product:" => "Generezi combinatii pentru urmatorul produs:"
            "Step 1: On the left side, select the attributes you want to use (Hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and validate by clicking on "Add")" => "Pasul 1: Selecteaza din partea stanga atributele pe care doresti sa le folosesti (tine apasata tasta "CTRL" pentru a efectua o selectie multipla si valideaza dand clic pe "Adaugare")"
            "Impact on the product price" => "Impact asupra pretului produsului"
            "Impact on the product weight" => "Impact asupra greutatii produsului"
            "Select a default quantity, and reference, for each combination the generator will create for this product." => "Selecteaza o cantitate si o referinta implicita pentru fiecare combinatie pe care generatorul o va crea pentru acest produs (optional)."
            "Default Quantity:" => "Cantitate implicita:"
            "Default Reference:" => "Referinta implicita:"
            "Please click on "Generate these combinations"." => "Te rugam sa apesi pe "Genereaza aceste combinatii"."
            "Generate these combinations" => "Genereaza aceste combinatii"
            "[undefined]" => "[undefined]"
            "If enabled, the voucher will not apply to products already on sale." => "Daca este activat, cuponul nu se va aplica produselor aflate deja in vanzare."
            "Add a rule concerning" => "Adaugare regula pentru"
            "The product(s) are matching one of these:" => "Produsele corespund uneia dintre acestea:"
            "Discount name" => "Nume discount"
            "Sync success" => "Sincronizare reusita"
            "Close" => "Inchide"
            "Customer since: %s" => "Client din: %s"
            "Choose a template" => "Alege un sablon"
            "Send" => "Trimite"
            "You can add a comment here." => "Poti adauga un comentariu aici."
            "Customer ID:" => "ID client:"
            "Order #" => "Comanda nr. "
            "Product #" => "Produs nr. "
            "Subject:" => "Subiect:"
            "Valid orders:" => "Comenzi validate:"
            "%firstname% %lastname% has not registered any addresses yet" => "%firstname% %lastname% nu a inregistrat nicio adresa inca"
            "No result" => "Niciun rezultat"
            "Real Time" => "Timp real"
            "Discount:" => "Reducere:"
            "Download" => "Descarcari"
            "Read more about the CSV format at:" => "Citeste mai multe despre formatul CSV la:"
            "or" => "sau"
            "The locale must be installed" => "Optiunile de localizare trebuie sa fie instalate"
            "Multiple value separator" => "Separator intre valori multiple"
            "Please name your data matching configuration in order to save it." => "Te rugam sa dai un nume configuratiei pentru a o salva."
            "Match your data" => "Potriveste datele"
            "Please match each column of your source file to one of the destination columns." => "Te rugam sa asociezi fiecare coloana din fisierul sursa cu una din coloanele de destinatie."
            "Load a data matching configuration" => "Incarca o configuratie"
            "Load" => "Incarca"
            "Save your data matching configuration" => "Salveaza configurarea"
            "Two columns cannot have the same type of values" => "Doua coloane nu pot avea acelasi tip de valori"
            "This column must be set:" => "Aceasta coloana trebuie configurata:"
            "Rows to skip" => "Linii de sarit"
            "Indicate how many of the first rows of your file should be skipped when importing the data. For instance set it to 1 if the first row of your file contains headers." => "Stabileste cate din primele randuri ale fisierului ar trebui sa fie omise la importarea datelor. De exemplu, seteaza la 1 daca primul rand al fisierului contine antetul."
            "Password" => "Parola"
            "Your password has been successfully changed." => "Parola ta a fost schimbata cu succes."
            "Delete item #" => "Sterge articolul #"
            "You might be interested in" => "Ai putea fi interesat de"
            "Translate" => "Tradu"
            "Update" => "Actualizeaza"
            "Generate RTL Stylesheets" => "Genereaza fisierul CSS RTL (de la dreapta la stanga)"
            "Manage hooks" => "Administreaza carlige"
            "Uninstall" => "Dezinstaleaza"
            "See all modules" => "Vezi toate modulele"
            "To add a new module, simply connect to your PrestaShop Addons account and all your purchases will be automatically imported." => "Pentru a adauga un modul nou, pur si simplu conecteaza-va la contul tau. PrestaShop Addons si toate achizitiile tale vor fi importate automat."
            "Can I add my own modules?" => "Pot adauga modulele mele?"
            "Please note that for security reasons, you can only add modules that are being distributed on PrestaShop Addons, the official marketplace." => "Te rugam sa retii ca, din motive de securitate, poti adauga doar module care sunt distribuite pe PrestaShop Addons, piata oficiala."
            "Search on PrestaShop Marketplace:" => "Cauta in PrestaShop Marketplace:"
            "Or" => "Sau"
            "Module" => "Modul"
            "Normal view" => "Afiseaza normal"
            "Favorites view" => "Afiseaza favoritele"
            "Tab" => "Tab"
            "Categories" => "Categorii"
            "Interest" => "Interes"
            "Favorite" => "Favorit"
            "Other Modules" => "Alte module"
            "Installed Modules" => "Modulele Instalate"
            "Disabled Modules" => "Modulele dezactivate"
            "Filter by" => "Afiseaza modulele"
            "Installed & Not Installed" => "Instalate & neinstalate"
            "Modules Not Installed " => "Module neinstalate "
            "Enabled & Disabled" => "Activate si Dezactivate"
            "Enabled Modules" => "Modulele activate"
            "Authors" => "Autori"
            "All Modules" => "Toate Modulele"
            "Free Modules" => "Module gratuite"
            "Partner Modules (Free)" => "Module de la parteneri (gratuite)"
            "Must Have" => "Recomandate"
            "Modules purchased on Addons" => "Module cumparate din Addons"
            "All authors" => "Toti autorii"
            "All countries" => "Toate tarile"
            "Current country:" => "Tara curenta:"
            "Would you like to delete the content related to this module ?" => "Doresti stergerea continutului legat de acest modul?"
            "Confirm reset" => "Confirm reinitializarea"
            "No - reset only the parameters" => "Nu - reinitializeaza doar parametrii"
            "Yes - reset everything" => "Da - reinitializeaza totul"
            "Preferences saved" => "Preferintele au fost salvate"
            "Remove from Favorites" => "Inlaturare din Favorite"
            "Mark as Favorite" => "Marcheaza ca Favorit"
            "Module %1s " => "Modul %1s "
            "Official, PrestaShop certified module. Free, secure and includes updates!" => "Modul oficial, certificat de PrestaShop. Gratuit, sigur si include actualizari!"
            "Update it!" => "Actualizeaza!"
            "Install the selection" => "Instaleaza selectia"
            "Uninstall the selection" => "Dezinstaleaza selectia"
            "by" => "de"
            "You bought this module on PrestaShop Addons. Thank You." => "Ai cumparat acest modul pe PrestaShop Addons. Multumesc."
            "Bought" => "Cumparat"
            "This module is available on PrestaShop Addons" => "Acest modul este disponibil pe PrestaShop Addons"
            "Popular" => "Cele mai cautate"
            "Official" => "Oficial"
            "Need update" => "Necesita actualizare"
            "Free" => "Gratuit"
            "Read more" => "Citeste mai mult"
            "Install" => "Instaleaza"
            "If you want to be able to fully use the AdminModules panel and have free modules available, you should enable the following configuration on your server:" => "Daca doresti sa folosesti pe deplin panoul de administrare a modulelor si sa ai acces la module gratuite, ar trebui sa activezi urmatoarea configuratie pe server:"
            "Enable PHP's allow_url_fopen setting" => "Activeaza setarea PHP allow_url_fopen"
            "Enable PHP's OpenSSL extension" => "Activeaza extensia PHP OpenSSL"
            "Connect your shop to PrestaShop's marketplace in order to automatically import all your Addons purchases." => "Conecteaza magazinul la piata PrestaShop pentru a importa automat toate achizitiile tale."
            "Don't have an account?" => "Nu ai cont?"
            "Discover the Power of PrestaShop Addons! Explore the PrestaShop Official Marketplace and find over 3 500 innovative modules and themes that optimize conversion rates, increase traffic, build customer loyalty and maximize your productivity" => "Descopera puterea PrestaShop Addons! Exploreaza PrestaShop Official Marketplace si gaseste peste 3500 de module si teme inovatoare, care optimizeaza ratele de conversie, cresc traficul, construiesc loialitatea clientilor si iti sporesc productivitatea"
            "Connect to PrestaShop Addons" => "Conectare la Module Prestashop"
            "I forgot my password" => "Am uitat parola"
            "Create an Account" => "Creeaza un cont"
            "Sign in" => "Autentificare"
            "What Should I Do?" => "Ce sa fac?"
            "Proceed with the installation" => "Continua instalarea"
            "Do you want to install this module that could not be verified by PrestaShop?" => "Doresti sa instalezi acest modul care nu a putut fi verificat de PrestaShop?"
            "Since you may not have downloaded this module from PrestaShop Addons, we cannot assert that the module is not adding some undisclosed functionalities. We advise you to install it only if you trust the source of the content." => "Din moment ce nu ai descarcat acest modul din PrestaShop Addons, nu putem confirma ca modulul nu adauga functionalitati ascunse. Te sfatuim sa-l instalezi numai daca ai incredere in sursa modulului."
            "What's the risk?" => "Ce riscuri sunt?"
            "Am I at Risk?" => "Sunt in pericol?"
            "A module that hasn't been verified may be dangerous and could add hidden functionalities like backdoors, ads, hidden links, spam, etc. Don’t worry, this alert is simply a warning." => "Un modul care nu a fost verificat poate fi periculos si ar putea adauga functionalitati ascunse cum ar fi portite secrete, reclame, linkuri ascunse, spam etc. Aceasta nu inseamna, totusi, ca toate modulele necertificate contin malware."
            "PrestaShop, being an open-source software, has an awesome community with a long history of developing and sharing high quality modules. Before installing this module, making sure its author is a known community member is always a good idea (by checking [1]our forum[/1] for instance)." => "Fiind un software open-source, PrestaShop are o comunitate minunata, cu o lunga istorie de dezvoltare si de distribuire gratuita a modulelor de inalta calitate. Inainte de a instala acest modul, este intotdeauna o idee buna sa te asiguri ca autorul este un membru cunoscut al comunitatii (de exemplu, prin verificarea [1]forumului nostru[/1])."
            "If you trust or find the author of this module to be an active community member, you can proceed with the installation." => "Daca ai incredere sau stii ca autorul acestui modul este un membru activ al comunitatii, poti continua instalarea."
            "Otherwise you can look for similar modules on the official marketplace. [1]Click here to browse PrestaShop Addons[/1]." => "In caz contrar, poti cauta module similare pe piata oficiala. [1]Apasa aici pentru a naviga prin PrestaShop Addons[/1]."
            "Back" => "Inapoi"
            "This module could not be verified by PrestaShop." => "Acest modul nu a putut fi verificat de PrestaShop."
            "Since you may not have installed this module from PrestaShop Addons, we cannot assert that the module is complying with our safety requirements (e.g. that it is not adding some undisclosed functionalities such as ads, hidden links, spam, etc...)." => "Deoarece probabil nu ai instalat acest modul din PrestaShop Addons, nu putem confirma ca modulul respecta cerintele noastre de siguranta (de exemplu, ca nu adauga functionalitati ascunse, cum ar fi reclame, linkuri ascunse, spam etc...)."
            "You can search for similar modules on the official marketplace." => "Poti cauta module similare pe piata oficiala."
            "[1]Click here to browse our catalog on PrestaShop Addons[/1]." => "[1]Apasa aici pentru a rasfoi catalogul nostru pe PrestaShop Addons[/1]."
            "This generally happens when the module isn't distributed through our official marketplace, PrestaShop Addons - or when your server failed to communicate with PrestaShop Addons." => "Acest lucru se intampla, in general, in cazul in care modulul nu este distribuit prin piata noastra oficiala, PrestaShop Addons - sau atunci cand serverul tau nu a reusit sa comunice cu PrestaShop Addons."
            "Author" => "Autor"
            "Back to modules list" => "Inapoi la lista de module"
            "You are about to install "%s", a module which is not compatible with your country." => "Esti pe punctul de a instala "%s", un modul care nu este compatibil cu tara ta."
            "This module was not verified by PrestaShop hence we cannot certify that it works well in your country and that it complies with our quality requirements." => "Acest modul nu a fost verificat de PrestaShop, prin urmare, nu putem certifica functionarea sa corecta in tara ta si conformitatea sa cu cerintele noastre de calitate."
            "Use at your own risk." => "Il vei folosi pe propriul risc."
            "If you are unsure about this, you should contact the Customer Service of %s to ask them to make the module compatible with your country." => "Daca nu esti sigur de aceasta, contacteaza echipa de Asistenta pentru clienti a %s pentru a le cere sa compatibilizeze modulul cu tara ta."
            "Moreover, we recommend that you use an equivalent module: compatible modules for your country are listed in the "Modules" tab of your back office." => "Mai mult decat atat, iti recomandam sa folosesti un modul echivalent: modulele compatibile pentru tara ta sunt enumerate in fila "Module" din Back Office."
            "If you are unsure about this module, you can look for similar modules on the official marketplace." => "Daca esti nesigur in privinta acestui modul, poti cauta module similare pe piata oficiala."
            "Click here to browse PrestaShop Addons." => "Apasa aici pentru a naviga prin PrestaShop Addons."
            "Manage translations" => "Administreaza traducerile"
            "Addons membership provides access to all our PrestaShop modules." => "Calitatea de membru Addons ofera acces la toate modulele noastre de PrestaShop."
            "Once connected, your new modules will be automatically installed." => "Indata ce te-ai conectat, toate modulele tale noi vor fi instalate automat."
            "Sign up" => "Inregistreaza-te"
            "Connect to PrestaShop Marketplace account" => "Conecteaza-te la contul tau de la PrestaShop Marketplace"
            "Log in" => "Autentificare"
            "The module must either be a Zip file (.zip) or a tarball file (.tar, .tar.gz, .tgz)." => "Modulul trebuie sa fie un fisier Zip (.zip) sau un fisier tarball (.tar, .tar.gz, .tgz)."
            "Upload a module from your computer." => "Incarca un modul din computer."
            "Module file" => "Fisierul modulului"
            "Choose a file" => "Alege un fisier"
            "Upload this module" => "Incarca acest modul"
            "An upgrade is available for some of your modules!" => "Sunt disponibile actualizari pentru o parte din module!"
            "Favorites" => "Favorite"
            "All" => "Toate"
            "Add a new module" => "Adauga un modul nou"
            "List of modules" => "Lista modulelor"
            "Update all" => "Actualizeaza toate modulele"
            "Check for update" => "Cauta actualizari"
            "Help" => "Ajutor"
            "(%s votes)" => "(%s voturi)"
            "(%s vote)" => "(%s vot)"
            "Description" => "Descriere"
            "Merchant benefits" => "Beneficiile comerciantului"
            "Install module" => "Instaleaza modulul"
            "View on PrestaShop Addons" => "Vezi pe PrestaShop Addons"
            "v" => "v"
            "This module is available for free thanks to our partner." => "Acest modul este disponibil gratuit multumita partenerului nostru."
            "Not Installed" => "Neinstalat"
            "Installed" => "Instalat"
            "More modules on addons.prestashop.com" => "Mai multe module pe addons.prestashop.com"
            "No module was found for this hook." => "Nu a fost gasit niciun modul pentru acest carlig."
            "The controller %s is missing or invalid." => "Controllerul %s lipseste sau nu este valid."
            "Back to the previous page" => "Inapoi la pagina precedenta"
            "Go to the dashboard" => "Mergi la tabloul de bord"
            "See the document" => "Vezi documentul"
            "Set payment form" => "Setare formular de plata"
            "Add note" => "Adauga nota"
            "Edit note" => "Editeaza nota"
            "Existing" => "Existent"
            "New" => "Nou"
            "%refund_date% - %refund_amount%" => "%refund_date% - %refund_amount%"
            "%return_date% - %return_quantity% - %return_state%" => "%return_date% - %return_quantity% - %return_state%"
            "Quantity:" => "Cantitate:"
            "Show carts and orders for this customer." => "Afiseaza cosurile si comenzile pentru acest client."
            "Hide carts and orders for this customer." => "Ascunde cosurile si comenzile pentru acest client."
            "Change" => "Modifica"
            "Gift" => "Cadou"
            "Search for an existing product by typing the first letters of its name." => "Cauta un produs existent introducand primele litere din nume."
            "Transform a guest into a customer" => "Transformare oaspete in client"
            "Process a standard refund" => "Proceseaza o rambursare standard"
            "Process a partial refund" => "Proceseaza o rambursare partiala"
            "Refunded" => "Rambursat"
            "Return products" => "Returneaza produse"
            "Refund products" => "Ramburseaza produse"
            "Cancel products" => "Anuleaza produse"
            "Keywords" => "Cuvinte cheie"
            "Warehouse" => "Depozit"
            "Attribute" => "Atribut"
            "Attachment" => "Atasament"
            "Category" => "Categorie"
            "Brand" => "Marca"
            "Supplier" => "Furnizor"
            "Number of products:" => "Numarul de produse:"
            "Product name" => "Numele produsului"
            "Attribute name" => "Numele atributului"
            "Supplier Reference" => "Cod produs la furnizor"
            "Wholesale price" => "Pret de aprovizionare"
            "EAN13" => "Cod EAN13"
            "UPC" => "Cod UPC"
            "Available Quantity" => "Cantitate disponibila"
            "N/A" => "N/D"
            "Layout" => "Aspect"
            "See all themes" => "Vezi toate temele"
            "Add a new theme" => "Adauga o tema noua"
            "To add a new theme, simply connect to your PrestaShop Addons account: your new theme will be automatically imported to your shop." => "Pentru a adauga o noua tema, pur si simplu conecteaza-va la contul tau. PrestaShop Addons: noua tema va fi importate automat la magazinul tau"
            "You can choose among 1,500+ professional templates!" => "Poti alege din peste 1,500 sabloane profesionale!"
            "Can I add my own theme?" => "Pot sa adaug tema personala?"
            "Please note that for security reasons, you can only add themes that are being distributed on PrestaShop Addons, the official marketplace." => "Te rugam sa retine ca, din motive de securitate, poti adauga doar teme care sunt distribuite pe PrestaShop Addons, piata oficiala."
            "You can also create a new theme below." => "Poti de asemenea crea o noua tema mai jos."
            "Choose layouts" => "Alege aspect"
            "Use this theme" => "Utilizeaza aceasta tema"
            "Delete this theme" => "Stergi aceasta tema"
            "Designed by %s" => "Creata de %s"
            "Configure your page layouts" => "Configureaza aspectul paginii tale"
            "Each page can use a different layout, choose it among the layouts bundled in your theme." => "Fiecare pagina poate utiliza un aspect diferit, alege-l printre aspectele incluse in tema."
            "Reset to defaults" => "Reinitializeaza la valorile implicite"
            "The "%1$s" theme has been successfully installed." => "Tema ”%1$s” a fost instalata cu succes."
            "The following module(s) were not installed properly:" => "Urmatoarele module nu au fost instalate corect:"
            "Warning: You may have to regenerate images to fit with this new theme." => "Atentie: Este posibil sa fie nevoie sa regenereaza imaginile pentru ca acestea sa se potriveasca cu aceasta tema noua."
            "Go to the thumbnails regeneration page" => "Deschide pagina cu regenerarea pictogramelor"
            "Warning: This image type doesn’t exist. To manually set it, use the values below to create a new image type (in the "Images" page under the "Design" menu):" => "Atentie: Aceast tip de imagine nu exista. Pentru a face setari manuale, utilizeaza valorile de mai jos pentru a crea un nou tip de imagine (in pagina "Imagini", sub meniul "Design"):"
            "Name image type:" => "Nume tip imagine:"
            "(width: %1$spx, height: %2$spx)." => "(latime: %1$spx, inaltime: %2$spx)."
            "Images have been correctly updated in the database:" => "Imaginile au fost actualizate corect in baza de date:"
            "Finish" => "Finalizare"
            "%limit% for suhosin.post.max_vars." => "%limit% pentru suhosin.post.max_vars."
            "%limit% for suhosin.request.max_vars." => "%limit% pentru suhosin.request.max_vars."
            "You MUST use this syntax in your translations. Here are several examples:" => "TREBUIE sa folosesti aceasta sintaxa in traducerile tale. Aici ai cateva exemple:"
            "%d" => "%d"
            "Resource" => "Resurse"
            "Date range" => "Interval de zile"
            "Custom" => "Client"
            "to" => "la"
            "Compare to" => "Comparat cu"
            "Previous period" => "Perioada anterioara"
            "Previous Year" => "Anul anterior"
            "Previous year" => "Anul anterior"
            "Sunday" => "Duminica"
            "Monday" => "Luni"
            "Tuesday" => "Marti"
            "Wednesday" => "Miercuri"
            "Thursday" => "Joi"
            "Friday" => "Vineri"
            "Saturday" => "Sambata"
            "Sun" => "Du"
            "Mon" => "Lu"
            "Tue" => "Ma"
            "Wed" => "Mi"
            "Thu" => "J"
            "Fri" => "V"
            "Sat" => "S"
            "Su" => "Du"
            "Mo" => "Lu"
            "Tu" => "Ma"
            "We" => "Mi"
            "Th" => "Jo"
            "Fr" => "Vi"
            "Sa" => "Sa"
            "January" => "Ianuarie"
            "February" => "Februarie"
            "March" => "Martie"
            "April" => "Aprilie"
            "May" => "Mai"
            "June" => "Iunie"
            "July" => "Iulie"
            "August" => "August"
            "September" => "Septembrie"
            "October" => "Octombrie"
            "November" => "Noiembrie"
            "December" => "Decembrie"
            "Jan" => "Ian"
            "Feb" => "Feb"
            "Mar" => "Mar"
            "Apr" => "Apr"
            "May " => "Mai "
            "Jun" => "Iun"
            "Jul" => "Iul"
            "Aug" => "Aug"
            "Sep" => "Sep"
            "Oct" => "Oct"
            "Nov" => "Nov"
            "Dec" => "Dec"
            "Customers" => "Clienti"
            "Orders" => "Comenzi"
            "Income" => "Venit"
            "Message" => "Mesaj"
            "Traffic" => "Trafic"
            "Conversion" => "Conversie"
            "Group:" => "Grup:"
            "Add tag" => "Adauga eticheta"
            "Remove" => "Elimina"
            "Change password..." => "Schimba parola..."
            "Current password" => "Parola curenta"
            "Password should be at least 8 characters long." => "Parola trebuie sa fie de minim 8 caractere."
            "New password" => "Parola noua"
            "Confirm password" => "Confirma parola"
            "Generate password" => "Genereaza parola"
            "Invalid" => "Incorect"
            "Okay" => "Bine"
            "Good" => "Buna"
            "Fabulous" => "Fabulos"
            "Invalid password confirmation" => "Confirmare parola nevalida"
            "Now" => "Acum"
            "Done" => "Gata"
            "Choose Time" => "Alege timpul"
            "Time" => "Timp"
            "Hour" => "Ora"
            "Minute" => "Minut"
            "Group name" => "Nume grup"
            "No group created" => "Nu este niciun grup creat"
            "No records found" => "Nici o inregistrare nu a fost gasita"
            "%" => "%"
            "Select all" => "Selecteaza-le pe toate"
            "Unselect all" => "Deselecteaza-le pe toate"
            "Display" => "Afiseaza"
            "result(s)" => "rezultat(e)"
            "Please fill at least one field to perform a search in this list." => "Te rugam sa completezi cel putin un camp pentru a efectua o cautare in aceasta lista."
            "Refresh list" => "Improspateaza lista"
            "Show SQL query" => "Arata codul SQL"
            "Export to SQL Manager" => "Exporta in SQL Manager"
            "Shop group" => "Grup magazine"
            "To" => "Catre"
            "and stay" => "si ramanere"
            "From" => "De la"
            "Reset" => "Resetati"
            "Modules list" => "Lista modulelor"
            "No modules available in this section." => "Niciun modul disponibil in aceasta sectiune."
            "View all available payments solutions" => "Vezi toate solutiile disponibile de plata"
            "It seems there are no recommended payment solutions for your country." => "Se pare ca nu exista nicio solutie recomandata de plata pentru tara ta."
            "Do you think there should be one? Let us know!" => "Crezi ca ar trebui sa existe unul? Da-ne de stire!"
            "Recommended Modules and Services" => "Module si servicii recomandate"
            "(tax excl.)" => "(fara TVA)"
            "Multistore" => "Magazine multiple"
            "Check / Uncheck all" => "Selectare / deselectare toate"
            "You are editing this page for a specific shop or group. Click "Yes" to check all fields, "No" to uncheck all." => "Editati aceasta pagina pentru un anumit magazin sau grup. Apasa "Da" pentru a bifa toate campurile, "Nu" pentru a le debifa pe toate."
            "If you check a field, change its value, and save, the multistore behavior will not apply to this shop (or group), for this particular parameter." => "Daca bifezi un camp, schimbi valoarea acestuia si salvezi, comportamentul multi-magazin nu se va aplica acestui magazin (sau grup), pentru acest parametru."
            "You can't change the value of this configuration field in the context of this shop." => "Nu se poate modifica valoarea acestui camp de configurare in contextul acestui magazin"
            "Set required fields for this section" => "Setare campuri obligatorii pentru aceasta sectiune"
            "Required Fields" => "Campuri obligatorii"
            "Select the fields you would like to be required for this section." => "Selecteaza campurile care doresti sa fie obligatorii pentru aceasta sectiune."
            "Field Name" => "Numele campului"
            "All shops" => "Toate magazinele"
            "%s group" => "%s grup"
            "(%s selected)" => "(%s selectate)"
            "Group: %s" => "Grup: %s"
            "search..." => "cauta..."
            "Add files..." => "Adauga fisiere..."
            "Add file..." => "Adauga fisier..."
            "Upload files" => "Incarca fisiere"
            "Upload file" => "Incarca un fisier"
            "You cannot have more than %s images in total. Please remove some of the current images before adding new ones." => "Nu poti avea mai mult de %s imagini in total. Te rugam sa elimini unele din imaginile curente inainte de adauga altele noi."
            "Remove file" => "Stergi fisier"
            "File size" => "Dimensiunea fisierului"
            "You have reached the limit (%s) of files to upload, please remove files to continue uploading" => "Ai atins limita de fisiere (%s) ce pot fi incarcate, te rugam sa elimini fisiere pentru a continua incarcarea"
            "Add files" => "Adauga fisiere"
            "Add file" => "Adauga fisier"
            "Download current file (%skb)" => "Descarca fisierul curent (%skb)"
            "Download current file" => "Descarca fisierul curent"
            "You can upload a maximum of %s files" => "Poti incarca maximum %s fisiere"
            "There are %d warnings." => "Ai %d avertizari."
            "Click here to see more" => "Da clic aici pentru a vedea mai multe"
            "Hide warning" => "Ascunde avertizarea"
            "There is %d warning." => "Ai %d avertizare."
            "%d errors" => "%d erori"
            "There are %d warnings:" => "Ai %d avertizari:"
            "" => ""
            "Your profile" => "Profilul tau"
            "Sign out" => "Deconectare"
            "Oh no!" => "Oh nu!"
            "The mobile version of this page is not available yet." => "Versiunea mobila a acestei pagini nu este inca disponibila."
            "Please use a desktop computer to access this page, until is adapted to mobile." => "Te rugam sa utilizezi un calculator de tip desktop pentru a accesa aceasta pagina, pana cand este adaptata pentru mobil."
            "Thank you." => "Multumesc."
            "Quick Access" => "Acces rapid"
            "Please name this shortcut:" => "Te rog numeste aceasta scurtatura:"
            "Remove from QuickAccess" => "Elimina din QuickAccess"
            "Add current page to QuickAccess" => "Adauga pagina curenta la lista de Acces rapid"
            "Manage quick accesses" => "Administreaza linkurile de Acces Rapid"
            "Search (e.g.: product reference, customer name…)" => "Cauta (de exemplu, referinta produsului, nume client...)"
            "Everywhere" => "Oriunde"
            "What are you looking for?" => "Ce anume cautati?"
            "Catalog" => "Catalog de produse"
            "Product name, SKU, reference..." => "Numele produsului, unitatea de stoc (SKU), referinta..."
            "by name" => "dupa nume"
            "Email, name..." => "E-mail, nume..."
            "by ip address" => "dupa adresa ip"
            "by IP address" => "dupa adresa IP"
            "Order ID" => "ID comanda"
            "Invoices" => "Facturi"
            "Invoice Number" => "Numar factura"
            "Carts" => "Cosuri"
            "Cart ID" => "ID cos"
            "Modules" => "Module"
            "Module name" => "Nume modul"
            "SEARCH" => "CAUTA"
            "View my shop" => "Frontend magazin"
            "%1$s on line %2$s in file %3$s" => "%1$s pe linia %2$s in fisierul %3$s"
            "This field will be modified for all your shops." => "Acest camp va fi modificat pentru toate magazinele tale"
            "This field will be modified for all shops in this shop group:" => "Acest camp va fi modificat pentru toate magazinele din acest grup de magazine:"
            "This field will be modified for this shop:" => "Acest camp va fi modificat pentru acest magazin:"
            "A new order has been placed on your shop." => "A fst plasata o comanda noua in magazin."
            "Order number:" => "Numarul comenzii:"
            "Total:" => "Total:"
            "From:" => "Din"
            "View this order" => "Vezi comanda"
            "A new customer registered on your shop." => "S-a inregistrat un client nou in magazin."
            "Customer name:" => "Numele clientului:"
            "A new message was posted on your shop." => "A fost postat un mesaj nou in magazin."
            "Read this message" => "Citire mesaj"
            "Choose language" => "Alege limba"
            "Update successful" => "Actualizare reusita"
            "PrestaShop was unable to log in to Addons. Please check your credentials and your Internet connection." => "PrestaShop nu putut efectua autentificarea in Addons. Te rugam sa verifici datele de autentificare si conexiunea la internet."
            "Search for a product" => "Cauta un produs"
            "Your shop is in debug mode." => "Magazinul tau este in modul de depanare."
            "All the PHP errors and messages are displayed. When you no longer need it, [1]turn off[/1] this mode." => "Toate erorile si mesajele PHP sunt afisate. Cand nu mai ai nevoie, [1]dezactiveaza[/1] aceasta optiune."
            "Debug mode" => "Modul depanare"
            "Your shop is in maintenance." => "Magazinul tau este in intretinere."
            "Your visitors and customers cannot access your shop while in maintenance mode.%s To manage the maintenance settings, go to Shop Parameters > Maintenance tab." => "Vizitatorii si clientii tai nu pot avea acces la magazinul tau in timp ce acesta se afla in modul intretinere.%s Pentru a administra setarile de intretinere, mergi la fila Parametri Magazin > Intretinere."
            "Maintenance mode" => "Modul de intretinere"
            "For security reasons, you must also delete the /install folder." => "Din motive de securitate, trebuie sa stergeti, de asemenea, folderul /install."
            "Add" => "Adauga"
            "Edit" => "Modifica"
            "List" => "Lista"
            "View details" => "Vezi detalii"
            "Options" => "Optiuni"
            "Generator" => "Generator"
            "Add new" => "Adauga"
            "View" => "Vizualizeaza"
            "yes" => "da"
            "no" => "nu"
            "%s: %s" => "%s: %s"
            "filter by %s" => "filtreaza dupa %s"
            "%s deletion" => "stergere %s"
            "%s addition" => "adaugare %s"
            "%s modification" => "modificare %s"
            "Edit: %s" => "Editeaza: %s"
            "Export" => "Export"
            "Recommended Modules" => "Module recomandate"
            "Bad SQL query" => "Interogare SQL gresita"
            "Operational" => "Operational"
            "Degraded Performance" => "Performanta deteriorata"
            "Partial Outage" => "Intrerupere partiala"
            "Major Outage" => "Intrerupere majora"
            "Cancel" => "Anuleaza"
            "Save" => "Salveaza"
            "Do you really want to uninstall this module?" => "Sigur doresti dezinstalarea acestui modul?"
            "Disable this module" => "Dezactiveaza acest modul"
            "Enable this module for all shops" => "Activeaza acest modul pentru toate magazinele"
            "Disable" => "Dezactiveaza"
            "Enable" => "Activeaza"
            "Disable on mobiles" => "Dezactiveaza pe mobile"
            "Disable on tablets" => "Dezactiveaza pe tablete"
            "Disable on computers" => "Dezactiveaza pe ecrane mari"
            "Display on mobiles" => "Afiseaza pe mobile"
            "Display on tablets" => "Afiseaza pe tablete"
            "Display on computers" => "Afiseaza pe ecrane mari"
            "Configure" => "Configureaza"
            "Delete" => "Sterge"
            "This action will permanently remove the module from the server. Are you sure you want to do this?" => "Aceasta actiune va inlatura permanent modulul de pe server. Sigur doresti sa faci acest lucru?"
            "Add my IP" => "Adauga adresa mea de IP"
            "Page" => "Pagina"
            "Comment:" => "Comentariu:"
            "Administration" => "Administrare"
            "Advertising and Marketing" => "Advertising & marketing"
            "Analytics and Stats" => "Analytics & statistici"
            "Taxes & Invoicing" => "Taxe si facturare"
            "Checkout" => "Finalizare comanda"
            "Content Management" => "Administrare de continut"
            "Customer Reviews" => "Recenzii client"
            "Front office Features" => "Facilitati pentru Front Office"
            "Internationalization and Localization" => "Internationalizare & localizare"
            "Merchandising" => "Promovare"
            "Migration Tools" => "Instrumente de migrare"
            "Payments and Gateways" => "Plati & gateways"
            "Site certification & Fraud prevention" => "Certificare si prevenirea fraudelor"
            "Pricing and Promotion" => "Preturi & promotii"
            "Quick / Bulk update" => "Actualizare rapida / in grup"
            "SEO" => "SEO"
            "Shipping and Logistics" => "Livrare & logistica"
            "Slideshows" => "Slideshow-uri"
            "Comparison site & Feed management" => "Site-uri de comparatii si fluxuri"
            "Marketplace" => "Marketplace"
            "Mobile" => "Mobil"
            "Dashboard" => "Tablou de bord"
            "Internationalization & Localization" => "Internationalizare si localizare"
            "Emailing & SMS" => "E-mail si SMS"
            "Social Networks" => "Retele Sociale"
            "Social & Community" => "Social si Comunitate"
            "Module not found" => "Modulul nu a fost gasit"
            "Modules to update" => "Module pentru incarcare"
            "Translate this module" => "Traduci acest modul"
            "This module cannot be installed" => "Acest modul nu poate fi instalat"
            "Important Notice" => "Anunt important"
            "This module is Untrusted for your country" => "Acest modul nu este certificat pentru tara ta"
            "Delete selected" => "Stergere elemente selectate"
          "ModulesLeofeaturePanel" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesEmailsubscriptionShop" => array:14 [ …14]
          "ShopThemeCustomeraccount" => array:83 [ …83]
          "ShopPdf" => array:95 [ …95]
          "AdminOrderscustomersFeature" => array:355 [ …355]
          "ModulesWirepaymentShop" => array:22 [ …22]
          "ModulesAnwishlistProduct" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesPrestawpApi_products" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesAnwishlistList" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesAnwishlistProduct-miniature" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesAnwishlistMy-account-link" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesAnwishlistNav" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ShopThemesProduct" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ShopThemeProduct" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesEmailalertsShop" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ModulesCustomtextAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
          "ModulesReminderAdmin" => array:40 [ …40]
          "ModulesWatermarkAdmin" => array:23 [ …23]
          "AdminLoginNotification" => array:24 [ …24]
          "ModuleWatermarkAdmin" => array:1 [ …1]
          "AdminNavigationHeader" => array:54 [ …54]
          "ModulesWirepaymentAdmin" => array:21 [ …21]
          "ModulesNewproductsAdmin" => array:7 [ …7]
          "ModulesDashproductsAdmin" => array:26 [ …26]
          "ModulesStatsnewsletterAdmin" => array:7 [ …7]
          "ModulesStatsregistrationsAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesCustomersigninAdmin" => array:3 [ …3]
          "ModulesViewedproductShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesShoppingcartAdmin" => array:5 [ …5]
          "AdminShippingNotification" => array:18 [ …18]
          "ModulesGsitemapAdmin" => array:43 [ …43]
          "ModulesSocialfollowAdmin" => array:18 [ …18]
          "ModulesBrandlistAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ModulesSharebuttonsAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "AdminNavigationSearch" => array:25 [ …25]
          "ModulesStatsdataAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
          "AdminDashboardNotification" => array:4 [ …4]
          "ModulesDateofdeliveryAdmin" => array:32 [ …32]
          "ModulesStatsstockAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
          "EmailsBody" => array:345 [ …345]
          "ModulesStatsoriginAdmin" => array:14 [ …14]
          "ModulesCategoryproductsShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "Install" => array:229 [ …229]
          "ShopNotificationsInfo" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesContactinfoShop" => array:8 [ …8]
          "ModulesEmailsubscriptionAdmin" => array:41 [ …41]
          "AdminPaymentNotification" => array:11 [ …11]
          "ModulesFeaturedproductsShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "EmailsSubject" => array:24 [ …24]
          "ModulesLivetranslationAdmin" => array:14 [ …14]
          "ModulesFeaturedproductsAdmin" => array:12 [ …12]
          "ModulesRssfeedAdmin" => array:16 [ …16]
          "AdminCatalogFeature" => array:451 [ …451]
          "ModulesCarriercomparisonShop" => array:10 [ …10]
          "AdminStatsNotification" => array:3 [ …3]
          "ModulesDashgoalsAdmin" => array:23 [ …23]
          "AdminDashboardHelp" => array:10 [ …10]
          "ModulesCategoryproductsAdmin" => array:6 [ …6]
          "ModulesStatsequipmentAdmin" => array:10 [ …10]
          "AdminCatalogHelp" => array:146 [ …146]
          "ModulesStatsbestsuppliersAdmin" => array:3 [ …3]
          "ModulesDashtrendsAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesGridhtmlAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesBuybuttonliteAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ModulesCheckpaymentShop" => array:19 [ …19]
          "ModulesStatscheckupAdmin" => array:17 [ …17]
          "ModulesStatssearchAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ModulesCashondeliveryShop" => array:7 [ …7]
          "AdminDesignNotification" => array:39 [ …39]
          "AdminShopparametersNotification" => array:44 [ …44]
          "ModulesBlockreassuranceShop" => array:3 [ …3]
          "ShopNotificationsSuccess" => array:9 [ …9]
          "AdminDashboardFeature" => array:23 [ …23]
          "ModulesStatsbestcategoriesAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
          "AdminDesignFeature" => array:108 [ …108]
          "ModulesBrandlistShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesStatsvisitsAdmin" => array:13 [ …13]
          "ModulesCustomeraccountlinksAdmin" => array:5 [ …5]
          "ModulesStatsbestmanufacturersAdmin" => array:3 [ …3]
          "AdminCatalogNotification" => array:174 [ …174]
          "AdminNavigationFooter" => array:7 [ …7]
          "ModulesLegalcomplianceAdmin" => array:63 [ …63]
          "AdminNotificationsInfo" => array:12 [ …12]
          "ModulesContactinfoAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "AdminOrderscustomersNotification" => array:170 [ …170]
          "ModulesRssfeedShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ShopFormsErrors" => array:7 [ …7]
          "ModulesCheckpaymentAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesContactformShop" => array:16 [ …16]
          "ModulesFaviconnotificationboAdmin" => array:7 [ …7]
          "AdminActions" => array:114 [ …114]
          "AdminShippingHelp" => array:44 [ …44]
          "AdminNavigationNotification" => array:23 [ …23]
          "AdminGlobal" => array:273 [ …273]
          "ModulesDashactivityAdmin" => array:29 [ …29]
          "ModulesProductcommentsShop" => array:42 [ …42]
          "ModulesStatsliveAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesBlockreassuranceAdmin" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesSearchbarShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesSpecialsShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesFacetedsearchShop" => array:12 [ …12]
          "ShopDemoCatalog" => array:67 [ …67]
          "ModulesLegalcomplianceShop" => array:21 [ …21]
          "AdminNotificationsWarning" => array:16 [ …16]
          "ModulesPagesnotfoundAdmin" => array:18 [ …18]
          "ModulesCarriercomparisonAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
          "ModulesNewproductsShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesDateofdeliveryShop" => array:5 [ …5]
          "AdminNavigationMenu" => array:119 [ …119]
          "ModulesCrosssellingShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesImagesliderAdmin" => array:38 [ …38]
          "ModulesBannerShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesStatsbestproductsAdmin" => array:6 [ …6]
          "ModulesDataprivacyAdmin" => array:6 [ …6]
          "ModulesTrackingfrontAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesAdvertisingAdmin" => array:11 [ …11]
          "ModulesProductcommentsAdmin" => array:48 [ …48]
          "AdminAdvparametersNotification" => array:232 [ …232]
          "ShopNavigation" => array:58 [ …58]
          "ModulesContactformAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
          "ModulesNewsletterAdmin" => array:23 [ …23]
          "ModulesSupplierlistAdmin" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ShopFormsHelp" => array:12 [ …12]
          "ModulesBestsellersShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesStatsbestvouchersAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
          "ModulesLinklistAdmin" => array:24 [ …24]
          "ModulesSharebuttonsShop" => array:4 [ …4]
          "ModulesMailalertsShop" => array:6 [ …6]
          "ModulesViewedproductAdmin" => array:6 [ …6]
          "AdminNotificationsError" => array:212 [ …212]
          "ModulesAutoupgradeAdmin" => array:193 [ …193]
          "ModulesMailalertsAdmin" => array:32 [ …32]
          "AdminDesignHelp" => array:60 [ …60]
          "AdminStatsFeature" => array:11 [ …11]
          "AdminNotificationsSuccess" => array:30 [ …30]
          "ModulesStatscatalogAdmin" => array:17 [ …17]
          "ModulesBannerAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
          "ModulesSupplierlistShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "AdminInternationalHelp" => array:79 [ …79]
          "ModulesStatspersonalinfosAdmin" => array:28 [ …28]
          "ShopNotificationsWarning" => array:8 [ …8]
          "AdminModulesFeature" => array:84 [ …84]
          "ModulesCashondeliveryAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesStatsforecastAdmin" => array:38 [ …38]
          "ModulesGraphnvd3Admin" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesLanguageselectorAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "AdminShippingFeature" => array:64 [ …64]
          "AdminInternationalNotification" => array:133 [ …133]
          "ModulesFeederAdmin" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesLinklistShop" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesSekeywordsAdmin" => array:18 [ …18]
          "ModulesBestsellersAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
          "AdminPaymentFeature" => array:7 [ …7]
          "AdminLoginFeature" => array:9 [ …9]
          "GlobalActions" => array:2 [ …2]
          "ModulesSpecialsAdmin" => array:4 [ …4]
          "AdminModulesHelp" => array:15 [ …15]
          "ModulesCategorytreeAdmin" => array:10 [ …10]
          "ModulesDataprivacyShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "AdminAdvparametersFeature" => array:357 [ …357]
          "ModulesTrackingfrontShop" => array:34 [ …34]
          "ModulesSocialfollowShop" => array:9 [ …9]
          "ModulesLivetranslationShop" => array:1 [ …1]
          "ModulesCrosssellingAdmin" => array:8 [ …8]
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      <p>Otel de calitate cu conductivitate termica ridicata.</p>\r\n
      <p><span>Acest produs aduce impreuna designul si eficienta termica, este rezultatul ideal, prin imbinarea esteticii cu tehnologia, un obiect elegant, potrivit pentru orice tip de baie.</span></p>\r\n
      <p><span>Radiatorul nostru plat a fost fabricat din otel cu un continut redus de carbon si are astfel o conductivitate ridicata.<br /> Materialul rezistent la rupere, garanteaza o durata lunga de viata a produsului. Radiatorul alimentat cu apa calda este ecologic, eficient din punct de vedere energetic, si asigura o caldura durabila si constanta in baia dvs.<br /> Otelul cu continut redus de carbon utilizat in acest radiator de panou este inoxidabil si in mod special rezistent la coroziune.</span></p>\r\n
      <p><span>Caloriferul nu include termostatul.</span></p>\r\n
      <p><span>Detalii produs: Conexiune: 50 mm </span></p>\r\n
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          <p>Otel de calitate cu conductivitate termica ridicata.</p>\r\n
          <p><span>Acest produs aduce impreuna designul si eficienta termica, este rezultatul ideal, prin imbinarea esteticii cu tehnologia, un obiect elegant, potrivit pentru orice tip de baie.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Radiatorul nostru plat a fost fabricat din otel cu un continut redus de carbon si are astfel o conductivitate ridicata.<br /> Materialul rezistent la rupere, garanteaza o durata lunga de viata a produsului. Radiatorul alimentat cu apa calda este ecologic, eficient din punct de vedere energetic, si asigura o caldura durabila si constanta in baia dvs.<br /> Otelul cu continut redus de carbon utilizat in acest radiator de panou este inoxidabil si in mod special rezistent la coroziune.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Caloriferul nu include termostatul.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Detalii produs: Conexiune: 50 mm </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Filet de conectare: G 1/2 </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Panouri: 60 x 10 x 1,5 mm </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Presiune de lucru: 4 bari </span></p>\r\n
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          <p>Otel de calitate cu conductivitate termica ridicata.</p>\r\n
          <p><span>Acest produs aduce impreuna designul si eficienta termica, este rezultatul ideal, prin imbinarea esteticii cu tehnologia, un obiect elegant, potrivit pentru orice tip de baie.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Radiatorul nostru plat a fost fabricat din otel cu un continut redus de carbon si are astfel o conductivitate ridicata.<br /> Materialul rezistent la rupere, garanteaza o durata lunga de viata a produsului. Radiatorul alimentat cu apa calda este ecologic, eficient din punct de vedere energetic, si asigura o caldura durabila si constanta in baia dvs.<br /> Otelul cu continut redus de carbon utilizat in acest radiator de panou este inoxidabil si in mod special rezistent la coroziune.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Caloriferul nu include termostatul.</span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Detalii produs: Conexiune: 50 mm </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Filet de conectare: G 1/2 </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Panouri: 60 x 10 x 1,5 mm </span></p>\r\n
          <p><span>Presiune de lucru: 4 bari </span></p>\r\n
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Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm
Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm

Calorifer EGO - Nasim, Radiator portprosop din otel, Antracit, Design deosebit, 140x60 cm

Livrare in 24 ore Livrare in 24 ore
In stoc (74 Produse)
1.162,63 lei
cu TVA
EGO Interiors
In stoc (74 Produse)
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